Monday, September 23, 2013

The PotterHead Family

This is not a solely personal blog. Yes, I do love Harry Potter with all my heart, but this is a place where all other people who love Harry can come together and not only enjoy the pictures and everything else going on, but also publish their work on Harry. 

So, if you have written something or would like to write something about Harry Potter (a poem, how it had affected you, how you grew up with it), just send the work to me in an email and I will gladly post it. Even if it is simply a picture or drawing you think should be added in one of the tabs, do not hesitate to let me know. 

For any contribution, contact me at 

Join in and Enjoy the fun! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your little blog! Mind checking out mine? So cute.

    Kate xo
